We would like to thank everyone for their support throughout the year. 2011 has been a very rewarding year in the show ring! The Dalnavert-Luvit connection has proven itself to be very successful. We have just achieved our 7th American champion and our 8th Canadian champion. We topped the year off with a Best In Show , # 1 Bichon Frise in Canada and an Award of Merit. This has all been accomplished in the past 5 years!
Our 2011 winners are:
Am/Can Ch. Luvit’s A Rolex Yacht-Master At Dalnavert “Lex” Best In Show, August 11/11,
and #1 Bichon Frise in Canada. co-owned with Marilyn Torrance – “Campion “
Am/Can Ch. Luvit’s A Rolex Daytona At Dalnavert “Tony” Award of Merit
Am. Ch. Luvit’s A Rolex Celissima At Dalnavert “ Lissa”
Am/Can Ch. Luvit’s Dalnavert Olympic Omegamania “ Gracie” co-owned with Jill Sanfilippo BlueLake
Can. Ch. Luvit’s Dalnavert Double Destiny “ DeeDee” – on her way to Florida to work on her American championship
New on the Canadian show scene is a Tony/Belle son Dalnavert Luvit Rhett Butler “Taz” owned/handled by Marie-Anne and Gary Shewchuk. Tony has a number of beautiful offspring that will be in the show ring in 2012. States side he already has a son with his American title and 2 daughters in the ring. Not to be out done by his brother, Lex has a pointed son and a daughter in the ring out East. We are very pleased with the quality these boys have to offer to the Bichon Frise breed.
We would like to recognize those who have passed over the Rainbow Bridge , offer our condolences to their family members and thank them for their outstanding care and love.
Can. Ch. Luvit Dalnavert Ice Cream Brik 16 years– Val and Dennis Stoker, B/B Lucas
Rocky – 14+ years – Len Gladstone and family
Dalnavert Ma Cherie Aimee 10 yrs. – Laura Holzhauer
Dalnavert’s Domino 10 years – Carolyne, Dave Kulbaba and YoYo
Thank you to Carla/Wayne Morrow, Monique Gauthier, Margaret Perkins and Emmett McMullan for being part of our Dalnavert team. YOU are the best supporters of the Bichon Frise breed.
The BICHON “BEACH PARTY” BASH will be held on JUNE 5TH,2012 at the Legion on Devries!
Noon – 3:00 pm..rain or shine [email protected]